The thing that made me love Babe from the start is that he doesn’t sit on his ass all day and play video games because he’s athletic. I mean, seriously. How hot is an athlete? Very. We all love them.

But the same thing that drew me too him is the same thing that’s pissing me off. It’s like he’s too athletic. He needs to chill the fuck out. He wants to play baseball and football. I thought that after he got done with baseball we would finally be able to spend time with each other for more than 5 minutes a day. Sometimes I get 2 hours though. Yay.

That sounds really clingy and needy, huh?

C’mon. You understand what it’s like to want to be with someone you love every hour of every day. And when you’re my age, it seems like more of a necessity because it’s a rarity.

Anyways, I was wrong. Now he wants to go do football, and as athletic as he is, they want him as quarterback. First-string, second, third, whatever. It’s still a quarterback. He initially wanted to be a… wide receiver? I think that’s what it was. Football lingo goes in one ear and out the other for me. So, when he wanted to do that, he didn’t think it was necessary to go to summer training. NOW, he has to if he wants to be quarterback which is like a dream for him.

On top of that, he has baseball in the summer, too. Weird…

So, we’re gonna get absolutely no time together in the next 2 years. -Sad face-

And now it’s time to be really selfish: He won’t get to be there for me. I am always there for him. (No matter how much tickets and stuff are. But let me say that now that he’s gonna be playing football, it’s gonna be way more expensive to support him) Always. But that’s because my schedule is flexible. The girls’ sports at my school aren’t as demanding as the guys’, so I get out of practice earlier and they’re pretty lenient. I’m not blaming him. I’m not telling him to quit. I’m not trying to make this his fault. I’m just saying that it really really sucks some ass. If I do softball, he won’t be there. If I do basketball, he won’t be there. If I do volleyball, he definitely won’t be there (only because our team suck and I wouldn’t really want him there anyways).

-Sigh-… Damn him and his athleticism.

Plus girls gonna be hitting on him and shit because he’s cute and football is the biggest sport at the school and blah blah. That won’t be good. I can see it.